About The Bursars Forum
The Bursars Forum
The Bursars Forum was founded in November 1997 with 8 members - we now have many hundreds more members across Australia, predominantly Business and Finance Managers across the Non Government schools sector.
Membership to the Forum is free and open only to decision-makers in schools (government and non-government) and it operates as a forum of resources (TBFXtra - paid) and a LinkedIn and Facebook group (free).
Sign up to TBFXtra and you can also receive access to our archive of industry surveys and resources being added. These include things like the annual Financial Questionnaire Builder in excel and the annual update on movements in the Education Fees Index (a subset of CPI), government funding and CPI. This is a helpful graph to use in budget reports to Boards to describe the relationship between school fees, education costs and general CPI.
We also run salary surveys for Principal and Business Manger roles, plus from time to time other specialist roles on request from members eg. Property Managers, ICT Managers etc. These are accessible to TBFXtra members.