Resolve utilises a unique approach to Board appraisal, using a combination of short and in depth surveys, attendance at meetings to observe board process, one to one discussions and an in depth analysis of Board process and policy documents to perform a comprehensive appraisal of your Board. The outcome for your board is a comprehensive review report and recommended goals for further development to strengthen your governance.

Our Board training courses or "equippers" are customised to meet our clients needs and cover all aspects of governing a healthy Not for Profit organisation. Topics cover finance, risk management, governance, policy development, best practice reporting to board and many others. Most of our courses are also NESA accredited to meet the responsible person training requirements in NSW. Select the following button for a full listing of our Board training courses.

Whether you need some strategic advice, help with facilitating a strategic planning meeting or assistance with gaining broader sector insight we can assist you with a customised an agile strategic planning solution. We link strategic planning to stakeholder input, making sure your strategic intent gains traction and works in the real world ! Resolve uses an agile approach to strategic planning to facilitate distributed leadership and innovation with great results for our client !

We can help you understand the difference between governance and management policy, and how to put the policy pieces together in a practical and efficient way that minimises bureaucracy and maximises coherency and effectiveness. We also offer turnkey solutions to help establish a suite of governance policies through a "policy blitz" session with your board and management team.

Measuring the feedback and sentiment of your stakeholder community is critical to effective strategic planning. Our approach uses both quantitative and qualitative data analysis, comparing feedback to your own journey over time as well as to others in the sector.

The Resolve risk management framework has all the tools you need to address risk across your Not for Profit. We can help you create a WHS, wellbeing and risk management system for your organisation that is sustainable, elegant and practical. Our approach has been borne out of years of practical experience.

"We interviewed several possible recruiters and Resolve was an obvious first choice for us. They were professional, had good advice on the recruiting process and were friendly and flexible. Resolve worked hard to understand our organisation and was ready to work in partnership with the Board in recruiting our new CEO. Resolve had developed good contacts in the sector which also helped in our recruiting." Board Chair, National NFP
Executive recruitment is a critical task for Not for Profits and we can help facilitate this important process. We offer a unique service in this space - we understand the specific culture and ethos of your organisation and walk side by side with you in your recruitment journey. We also make sure that the recruitment process is robust and comprehensive, focusing on the competency, character, chemistry and calling of applicants.

We recommend that Not for Profits utilise the services of external appraisal consultant every three years. Our approach involves a modified 360 style appraisal, where feedback is sought from supervisors and subordinates and compared with the self assessment of the executive being reviewed. Goal setting for personal and professional development is the cornerstone of our approach, which sometimes leads to follow up executive coaching.

If you are establishing a new not for profit charity we can help with Constitution advice, registration through ASIC and ACNC, and ATO endorsement for tax deductible Deductible Gift Recipient (DGR) registration. We have assisted clients register new charities across the spectrum of charity categories in a cost effective process that provides strategic advice at every step.

Organisations face all kinds of change in their lifecycle. resolve is a valuable "critical friend" to charities that want an objective specialist in managing all kinds of organisational change across governance, leadership and operational areas. This includes assistance with project management of key milestones in the change process, clearly articulating to the community desired outcomes, and helping change occur in a way that is consistent with the organisational purpose and values.

Not for Profit organisations need to conserve funds for maximum service impact and have learned to "run on the smell of an oily rag". Our organisation reviews focus on how to make sure operations are running efficiently and cost effectively, helping you to find opportunities for system and process improvements that are grounded in 30 years plus of reviewing organisations of all sizes and complexities. e provide objective recommendations for software system improvements too.

Being the CEO, Business Manager or Principal of a Not for Profit can be a lonely place - and during some seasons using the services of an executive coach can be a great way for leaders to reassess, recharge, or even take a fresh look at their leadership style. The Partners of Resolve have been engaged in leadership coaching on a one to one confidential basis for many years, sharing stories and helping leaders unpack their leadership journey.

At times a School or Not for Profit needs a COO or Business Manager to sit in the chair for a season due to a sudden departure or other pressing need. We offer locum business continuity services to help Not for Profits that need short term leadership transition help.

The best time to plan a leadership succession is in advance, and this unique offering from Resolve helps you do just that. Most Not for Profits look at Board and Executive emergency succession planning which is focused at what happens after the event. At Resolve we help you develop a plan that is put in place well before any planned change in leadership roles (Board or Management). A comprehensive guide is produced to follow when leadership transition is needed.

Resolve are Gold Xero Partners with more than 100 Not for Profit Xero clients. Contact us if you are looking for a Xero Stack solution. Using Xero as the core software, specific add on apps are sourced to match with Xero to build the perfect solution to streamline your administration and finance functions.

All organisations need to take a closer look at the finances once in a while - whether prompted by an expansion or reduction in size, new capital program, new business opportunities or as part of an internal audit or due diligence review. As a Chartered Accounting firm Resolve are specialists in Not for Profit finance systems, processes and analysis.

The Resolve Long Range Finance Master Plan is an excel tool with more than 25 years of development behind it. Relied on by hundreds of Resolve clients, this tool is easy to use and fully customised to suit the specifics of your School or Not for Profit. The plan is pre populated and reconciled to your audited financials, and your staff are trained on its use.

If your Not for Profit is experiencing financial, governance or leadership crisis please contact us for help. As a "critical friend", Resolve will confidentially walk with you through the difficult journey of a turnaround or restructure. We can provide you with options, and help guide you to make the decisions needed to address underlying issues and help return your organisation to a healthy, sustainable future.

As a registered Tax Practitioner, Resolve specialises in GST, FBT, DGR and other tax advice that uniquely impacts Not for Profit organisations. We can help you review your employment and remuneration policies and benefits for staff, and also review your BAS and FBT returns for completeness and compliance with the ATO's requirements.

Resolve provides organisational reviews for clients that deliver efficiency whilst maintaining or enhancing effectiveness. We do this by listening first to the stakeholders involved in organisational processes, and then recommending changes that seek to be practical and simple, taking into account new technologies as well as important customs and traditions that are a core part of the organisational distinctive.

Sometimes an organisation needs a fresh set of eyes to review the processes and expenses across the board. With a Resolve expenditure reduction review we can look at the broad range of your expenses and provide advice on insourcing and outsourcing options, efficiency changes and also changes in roles and staffing to better utilise the capacity of people in your organisation.

If you haven't seen a service that you are interested in on this page please give us a call on 02 4324 4800. We may still be able to help you, and if we cannot there is a good chance we can point you to someone that can. Resolve enjoys excellent relationships with a large number of complementary firms that work in the sector and that can support your organisation.